Phone :830-997-9383
Hours :M - W - F 1-5 pm
Location :701 Mustang St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Mailing Address :P.O. Box 2165, Fredericksburg, TX 78624

Food Services & Resources

in Fredericksburg & Gillespie County

Capital Area Food Bank of Texas Mobile Pantry

Located: 711 S Eagle St., Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Open: Second Saturday of each month. 10am - Noon
Groceries, including fresh produce, fruit. baked goods. Frequently offers “other items," including bilingual books for children 1-5, medical testing & supplies through the Good Samaritan Center.

Fredericksburg Food Pantry

Part of Capital Area Food Dank of Texas
Located: 701 S Mustang St, Fredericksburg TX 78624
Phone: 830.997,9383 Open: M, W & F, 1-5 pm.
Canned goods, some "extras" such as fresh meat, produce, baked goods, when available.

Fredericksburg Independent School District

Participates in School Breakfast Program (SBP) and National School Lunch Program. Both are federally-assisted meal programs offering free and reduced-cost meals to school children. Also, offers Summer Feeding (state program) during months of June & July, serving lunch on weekdays (no holidays or weekends) to anyone under 18 yrs. of age" No qualification; just show up at participating school for lunch.

Gillespie County Ministerial Association

Organization composed of representatives from several local churches and Christ-based nonprofits. Meets monthly. Distributes $30 HEB gift cards to those who need gasoline and/or groceries. Available through contact with pastors.

Golden Hub Senior Center

Located: 1009 N Lincoln St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Phone: 830.997.7131 Open: M~F, 8am - 5pm
A community gathering place seniors of every age, providing food, fun & fellowship in a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment. Low-cost lunches served daily, and operations center for Meals on Wheels (MOW) program, which began in 1976. Contact MOW coordinator.

Hill Country Community Needs Council

Located: 1904 N Llano St, Fredericksburg~ TX 78624
Phone: 830.997.9756 Open: M-F, 9am – 5pm
Maintains a couple of on-going food-related services, including;

  • Food 4 Kids, children identified by local school counselors as needing supplemental food is provided w/ nutritional snack on weekends. Hono

  • Help a Senior (HAS) offers "friendly support." A volunteer established a one-on-one relationship w/ a senior in need, which can be a visit, a follow-up phone call after a doctor’s appointment, a ride to the grocery store or food pantry.

Honor Veterans Now

Located: 103 Industrial Loop
Newly forming organization to respectfully provide meals to military service veterans while preserving their dignity and honor; works through Meals on Wheels program.

Texas Department of Health and Human Services

Located: 819 Water St., Ste 230, Kerrville, TX 78028
Phone; 830-896-3933 Open: Mon-Fri
Governmental agency that provides services such as SNAP (Food Stamps) & TANF.

Women Infants and Children

Located; 836 Sidney Baker, Kerrville, TX 78028
Phone: 800.347.9559
In FBG: 140 Industrial Loop (next to Good Samaritan Center)
Phone: 830-257-4400
FBG office only open 8:45am - 4:15pm Thurs, & 8:45am - 6:15pm, 3rd Thurs of month. Governmental agency providing nutrition education and food vouchers for specified items, including infant formula, milk, cereal, cheese, peanut butter, beans, eggs and juice.

Other services:

Feeding John

Program originated w/ Needs Council & GCMA, but mostly operated through Holy Ghost Lutheran Church. Meals & fellowship for seniors & disabled; volunteers cook meals, package, delivery and stay to visit.
For more info: contact Yvonne Holleman; 830-928-3662;

Gillespie County Extension Office

Located: 95 Frederick Rd~ Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Phone: 830.997.3452 Open: Mon-Fri
Has a Nutrition/Health component that includes info and occasional class/workshop instruction on meal planning and food prep. notably;

  • Better Living for Texans (BLT), a joint project of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Health and Human Services Commission and the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). Shea Nebgen is the Family & Consumer Science (FCS) agent who provides programming in nutrition, sewing, diabetes, child safety seats and healthy living. Also, offers commercial food service compliance courses & certification.

Hill Country Daily Bread Ministry

Located; 140 Industrial Dr, Boerne Phone: 830-249-0025
FBG partner, Fredericksburg Christian Fellowship Church
Located: 157 Schmidtzinsky Rd. Phone: 830-446-3232
Phone: 830-249-0025 Open: Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm
Mission is to help unite & equip the Body of Christ with food resources, and training necessary to transform our communities and the lives of those in poverty and need through the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

MOM Center

Located: 107 S Milam St, Fredericksburg TX 78624
Phone: 830.456.884 Open: M-F, 10am - 3pm: Sat & other hours by appointment.
Mission is to educate and empower women and families w/ skills necessary to break the cycle and effects of dysfunctional parenting and neglect. Includes nutrition and "life skills" (which includes food prep) modules.

Further readings: