Phone :830-997-9383
Hours :M - W - F 1-5 pm
Location :701 Mustang St, Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Mailing Address :P.O. Box 2165, Fredericksburg, TX 78624

How You Can Help


The Food Pantry's hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1pm to 5pm.

Our volunteers are awesome. If you would like to join them, we could certainly use your help! Volunteers are asked to help 4 hours per month to bag food orders for our clients and restock the shelves. No experience is needed.

Volunteer Application

We'd love to have you join this worthy cause as a volunteer. Simply click HERE and supply us with your name, phone number and times you'd like to volunteer your time or call 830-997-9383 and leave a message. We'll get back to your as soon as we can.